Monday, February 04, 2013

Salted Nutella Truffles in Honor of World Nutella Day

Laura's Salted Nutella Truffles

Photo by Carly Bish from, my brother, Tom's wedding.  
These truffles were the first thing to go!

The basic process for making the truffles isn't hard, you just have to spend a little time in between stages. Believe me it's worth it.
Salted Nutella Truffles
makes about 30 truffles
- 1/2 cup cream
- 4 tbl. butter
- 9 oz. semisweet chocolate (I used chocolate chips)
- 1/4 cup Nutella
- good quality sea salt (optional)
- dark chocolate candy melts
1. Put the chocolate chips and the Nutella in the bowl.
2. Heat up the butter and cream. Cook it until it just start to boil around the edge of the pan.
3. Pour the cream & butter onto the chocolate & Nutella. Now this is the hard part. DON'T STIR IT!!!! Walk away for 5 minutes and let the cream do it's thing. 
4. Once five minutes have passed, take a whisk, and start stirring the now melted chocolate and cream together. It will look really funky for the first 60 seconds, then a magic moment happens and it becomes smooth and lovely ganache. 
5. Once the ganache is completely smooth, stick that bowl in the fridge for at least 3-4 hours, but overnight is better.
6. Once your ganache is hard, use a mini scoop or a melon baller to make one inch truffles. Dip your scoop in warm water between forming each one. Place them on a sheet pan. Once you have formed all of the truffles, put them in the fridge for at least 30 minutes to firm up a bit.
7. At this point, you can roll the truffles in cocoa powder, or, if you're feeling ambitious, you can dip them! I hate tempering chocolate, and I refuse to do it in my temperature extreme kitchen, so I cheated and dipped these in dark chocolate candy melts.You can melt it in the microwave, it works really well, and it tastes delicious! Just drop a truffle into your bowl of melted candy melts, fish it out with a fork, tap it on the edge of the bowl, to make the excess drip off, and gently place it onto a wax or parchment paper lined sheet pan. 
8. While your truffle is still wet, sprinkle a little sea salt on top. You won't regret it. 
9. Once you have dipped all of your truffles, refrigerate them for 10 minutes or so, then take them back out and trim the bottom if they got a little wonky. And you're done! People will be impressed, and you will be a little fatter, because if you're anything like me, you will sample about 20 of these... you know, just to make sure they're edible.

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